Cross Border Injuries


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Determining the legal jurisdiction of in cross-border accidents is a critical first step.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents often occur due to hazardous conditions on someone else’s property.

Dog Bites

Dog bite incidents involve a unique set of laws and regulations that vary between states and provinces.

What you need to know about Personal Injury Claims

A personal Injury Claim is a type of civil lawsuit where one party claims for monetary compensation from a person or business who caused some physical or emotional harm.

How do I make a personal injury claim and what does it cover?

In order to hold someone accountable to premises liability, you will need proof of their negligence. In other words, proof that the property owner breached the law.

We work with you, not insurance companies!

A successful legal action will affirm the liability of the defendant(s) and establish that the injuries sustained are a result of their fault. 

What to do at the scene of the accident?

Call the police. In some areas, police authorities may respond to every accident scene. They may consider factors such as the severity and location of the accident (some police authorities will not come to the scene if the accident is on private property)

When do you need a personal injury lawyer?

As a general rule, you should contact a personal injury lawyer soon after you experience an injury on private or public property.

How much money will I receive?

You may be eligible for “general damages”, also known as damages for “pain and suffering”. In Canada, there are maximum amounts that can be paid for pain and suffering, currently set at about $360,000.00.

What does a personal injury lawyer handle?

A personal injury lawyer will handle most of the complicated elements of the situation so you can focus on getting well and returning to your life as quickly as possible.

How long does it take to settle a claim?

Given the variables, the settlement of a personal injury claim in Ontario is often measured in years and not months. Some cases might be resolved relatively quickly, especially if liability. 

Hiring the right personal injury lawyer

When hiring a lawyer for your personal injury claim process, you are allowing your case to benefit from expert knowledge and relevant experience so that you can gain full and just compensation for your suffering.

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