Cross Border Injuries


Breaking Legal Barriers

The area specific nature of law makes working a case in two jurisdictions next to impossible. Cross Border Injuries recognizes this shortcoming and provides a robust solution.

We shatter regional divides through 100+ legal professionals and support staff.

The Team

Based in every Canadian Province and American State, our team includes;

For any injury in the province you live, the road to recovery may be difficult – but your next steps are clear. You may have already discovered cross border accidents are not as simple. Most law firms lack the knowledge, experience, or network to deal with the realities of cross-border cases.

We have all three

Supporting you All the Way

Cross Border Injuries supports you fully during the aftermath of any injury. Working with us means less stress and more recovery.

We connect clients to medical professionals suited to their unique injuries. Through a cycle of treatment and assessment, we work towards a prompt return to health.

Financial difficulties during this time are not uncommon. The law accounts for this and so do we. Retrieving financial benefits is a large part of our initial strategy.

Medical and financial benefits are available yet hardly received. It is through experienced legal advisors that they can be accessed and maintained.

Get In Touch

Contact Us for More Information on Your Personal Injury Case

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Seek medical attention first. Contact local law enforcement, exchange information with the other party, and document the scene. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible.

    Generally, yes. Most auto insurance policies provide accident coverage for Canadians visiting the United States. However, you may still encounter differences in coverage and regulations. Your lawyer will be able to determine the extent of your coverage.

    Your lawyer can represent you without requiring you to travel. Modern communication tools make it possible for you and your out-of province attorney to manage your case efficiently and effectively without having to leave your home

    In many jurisdictions, you are still eligible for compensation even if you were partially at fault. The legal principle of comparative negligence may apply, and your compensation could be reduced based on your level of responsibility.

    Yes, both Canadian and U.S. jurisdictions have statutes of limitations. For local cases, Canadians can have one to six years to file a claim with the courts. In America this range is even greater with the limitation being one to ten years depending on the state.

    Compensation may include both pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages. These include medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The specific damages depend on the circumstances of the accident and the applicable laws. It is the duty of an attorney to secure all benefits available to you.